September 12, 2013 – Today is the 12th anniversary of the attacks on PENTAGON ATTACK (FOR RELEASE)America by Islamist militants.  Twelve years ago I stood just blocks from the White House and witnessed the attack on the Pentagon.  I thought I would die on that day; it was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced, one I will never forget.


Some say that this is history, over, a bad day that we should overcome.  I disagree.  I have seen Americans slip back into an ignorant bliss of daily life, forgetting the tragedies that happened and could still happen.  We ARE NOT safer now than before the attack.  We are merely more alert on some levels, but not all.

Unlike the Israelis, we are not a prepared people for attack – this for several reasons:

  • While we are under constant attack, it is not witnessed on a daily basis by our populace.
  • Our government does not want us to focus on the possibilities of attack and continues to ply us with ridiculous procedures that do nothing.
  • Because our country is so large, as a people we do not “feel” the pain of loss as acutely as a smaller area.  This is why New York City and Washington, D.C. react to the memory of September 11, 2001 differently than the rest of America.
  • Americans have become a pampered bunch; we no longer realize, moreover appreciate, the sacrifices that must be made in order to live in a country that is free from a tyrannical government.
  • We have become a fickle society that concerns itself with trivial details, entertainment and sports, rather than excellence, pride and self-sufficiency.

When the reels of past images roll on television stations across our land Pennsylvaniatoday, do not sigh with boredom.  Do not change the channel searching for something more entertaining.  Stop and take a moment, just a moment to consider that an attack like that of September 11, 2001 WILL happen again, it is merely a matter of time.  The only variable is us – how will we react?  What will we have learned? What will we teach our children in order to help them protect themselves?

Americans must remember this horrific day so that we can stay vigilant against threats to our nation, our people and our way of life.

May God lead us; may God help us; may God bless America.



OK…I give up!  How many more stupid things can be going on in our country at the same freakin’ time?

Here’s a brief list:


1 – Bengahzi – was a LONG time ago per Press Secretary Carney…however, NOT so long for the families of the murdered Americans I would bet.  If you expect the Obama administration to come clean on this or any other subject for that matter, you might as well get in the “Ice Water” line in HELL…..

Dont tread on my gun rights

2 – Gun Control Bill – Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is DYING to get SOMETHING passed regarding gun control.  Hopefully he will just die off… But that’s one thing about our elected officials…  They NEVER give up on trying to destroy your Constitutional Rights!  If only they were so adamant about protecting the tenets that built our country…  Dream on I guess….

illegal immigration

3 – Immigration – Please, get it through your ridiculously swollen Senatorial and Congressional heads that IMMIGRATION is at the root of America’s problems in regard to terrorism!  Lack of border control, our apparent inability to keep track of NON-AMERICANS who enter our country and political correctness in REMOVING these people will eventually come back to bite us in our collective asses!  I do not believe for one second that the Federal Government and DHS cannot keep up with foreign students or immigrant workers and their comings and goings across our borders!  That’s a load of crap!  They simply choose not to.

don't tax me bro4 – Sales Tax for Internet Business

This little morsel for the state and federal coffers will slide right in while everyone no one is watching.  They say that internet businesses that do not collect sales tax are in unfair competition with traditional “brick and mortar” businesses.  If you plan to force internet businesses to collect and pay taxes to each state and locality while your traditional businesses only have to collect and pay their single state and locality taxes, this would be completely UNTRUE!  Call me an idiot, but your small business that sells on the internet could never afford the infrastructure to administer the tax accounting, collection and payment burden.  They will simply go out of business, thus exacerbating our economic problems, increasing unemployment and killing the American dream for thousands of hard working people.  Maybe that’s the whole idea…..

military prayer

5 – America’s Military and Faith

So my niece is forced to learn about the “peace loving” religion of Islam (no, Christianity is NOT discussed), but our soldiers are currently being told to hide their faith or be prosecuted by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT!  The level to which this makes no sense is astounding!  Which is why I have no doubt our government will continue in this vein.

6 – Foreign Aid – OK, this just KILLS me…  With the sequester budget cuts (laughable BS at BEST), daily attempts to increase taxes, rampant fraud in all branches of government programs, we ALSO have aid to foreign countries.  Not just to countries with which we are friendly, but to countries that would like to BLOW US UP!  We dole out about 50 BILLION dollars each YEAR!  Take a look at the numbers for just a few:

  • Afghanistan                       2.5 BILLIONmoney hole
  • Pakistan                            2.3 BILLION
  • Iraq                                    2.0 BILLION
  • Egypt                                 1.5 BILLION
  • Nigeria                              600 MILLION
  • West Bank / Gaza             440 MILLION
  • Lebanon                           167 MILLION
  • Ukraine                               04 MILLION
  • Russia                                52 MILLION     (Uh????)
  • Saudi Arabia                      10 THOUSAND    (WHAT??)

I honestly believe that 50 BILLION dollars would be MUCH better spent by sending each American a check for $160 and tell them to go out for dinner or a few drinks or pay a bill or two.  It would definitely garner the Federal Government more respect that it does from these ingrates.


7 – Obamacare is LAW????

42% of people polled this week by The Kaiser Family Foundation did NOT know this….  Why am I not surprised?  That must have be the 42% of idiotic Americans that forgot to V O T E!!!!  You non-voting bastards get everything you deserve…..

The biggest problem is that there is SO MUCH more than just this going on today in our country.  It’s the Federal Government’s biggest and best domestic weapon:  The American WMD…Weapon of Mass Distraction!  Keep as many balls going in the air as possible, ‘cause we can’t watch them all!

I have to wash my hands now….just typing about the Federal Government makes me feel dirty…


Good Riddance!

Posted: March 5, 2013 by April Watkins in Breaking News, Terrorism

BREAKING NEWS:  Media is reporting the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

chavez dead

Adios, Hugo…may you rot in hell for what you have done to your people.

It’s funny to look back in time and determine where people stood on issues 20, 50 or 200 years ago and then compare the modern day stances on the same issues.  Societal changes, shifting demographics and changes in technology and the ramifications of these changes rippling through society as a whole, sometimes leave me surprised and confused.

Let’s talk about the latest battleground forming in our nation today; The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Until just a few short years ago, guns in society were rarely considered.  It was just assumed that most people had guns and knew how to use them.  I grew up with guns in our home.  It was no big deal.  My father taught my brother and me how to properly use a gun, care for it, and ABOVE ALL, respect it.  I personally took a 12 gauge shotgun to school for use in a school play and actually shot it (with the metal shot removed from the shells of course) during the play!  Guess what?  No one was surprised and no one even checked my shells to verify they were empty.  In that era, even adults placed faith in 17 year olds that they were being responsible with weapons.

Until 40 or 50 years ago, guns were a primary means in putting food on tables in a majority of homes in America.  Guns were tools that were used responsibly, for the most part.  Once again, they were no big deal.

Now, it seems, guns ARE a big deal.  Why?  Because some crackpot idiot decided to STEAL guns and massacre 20 children and 8 adults in the most recent act of craziness.  It’s not JUST Newtown, CT.  Its Columbine, Jonesboro, Aurora, etc., as well as Tyrifjorden Buskerud, Norway, Baku, Azerbaijan and Dunblane, Scotland.  If you think crazy is limited to America, then you are nuts as well.

You might think that this is the reason that gun control is all you hear about on the news these days.  Well, it’s not.  I have news for you.  These “crazies” would have killed people with a knife, ball bat or a damn rock if that is what they could get their hand on.  The reason that our Federal Government is so up in arms over guns is simple….control…

I hear people say that we need to ban “military STYLE assault rifles”. Why?  Because they LOOK like an automatic weapon.  Guess what?  They are NOT automatic weapons.  Honestly, you can do as much damage with your Dad’s 30.06 deer rifle as you can with a Bushmaster XM 15 rifle.  It might take you an extra 3-4 seconds to change out the clips since they hold only 5 rounds, but I can carry 20 to 30 full clips with no problem whatsoever.  All this talk about limiting clips to 10 rounds or less is no more than political scare tactics.

It’s about time that our elected officials start talking about the REAL meaning of the 2nd Amendment and quit all the beating around the bush.  They act like stating a fact is treason.  The simple truth is that the 2nd Amendment authorizes We The People to protect ourselves and our country from a tyrannical government…end of story.  It does not mention or even allude to hunting or self-defense from other citizens.  You see, our Founding Fathers were not worried about hunting….that was a daily chore.  They were not worried about self-defense from other citizens…they all had guns and most of them were responsible and trustworthy citizens.  Our Founding Fathers were fighting a war of independence from a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT!  The BRITISH!  GET IT PEOPLE??????  These men, in their infinite wisdom, saw fit to delineate a physical object (the ONLY physical object listed in our Bill of Rights) as the ONE tangible object REQUIRED to overthrow a tyrannical government!  ARMS……

Now, if you consider the 2nd Amendment in this light, what makes you think that our Founding Fathers would even consider allowing the People to be armed with weapons that do military style weapon cartoonnot even come close to matching the weaponry that the government possesses?  They would not.  That would be like saying, “Well, the British have flintlock rifles, so we need to fight our battles against them with the bow and arrow”!  Now, exactly how much sense does that make?  None whatsoever!  That would be a totally stupid statement to make, and even an idiot should realize it.

Our Federal Government has NO right under the Constitution to limit the people’s access to weapons and has even less of a mandate to know WHO possess these arms!

It is impossible to overthrow a tyrannical government with sub-standard weapons.  It is also foolish of the People to inform the same government as to who owns weapons that could be used in overthrowing it.

Does this now make sense to everyone?

Alas, probably not…  I understand that Progressives will, for some reason, disagree with even the simplest of arguments.  Just as they cannot usually see that lower tax rates generate MORE taxes in the long run, they will refuse to see that our Founders foresaw that, at some point, the People MAY have to resort to putting its own Federal government back in line.

If, for any reason, you don’t believe the obvious, PLEASE consult an expert.  I can tell you who the experts are that can give you first-hand information regarding banning guns and documented gun ownership…

Gun Control 1

Ask a Russian…ask a Chinese…ask a North Korean…maybe a German!

In the grand scheme, it should not be a question of WHAT kind of arms I can own.  The answer should be anything I can afford.

I’m finished now….  I have to get back to work to make the next payment on my Tomahawk Missile.

Chatter Now Decoded.



Excuse Me?

Posted: January 8, 2013 by G. Byron Barrett in Constitution, Second Amendment
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Well, as usual, I cannot leave well enough alone…I have read the comments regarding my colleague’s post “The Sad, Unspoken Truth” by Dr. DA (this chick IS a PHD, right?  OPS….well, WTF…let’s call her Dr. anyway and let the “DA” stand for itself) and I am astonished, as usual, at the lack of original thought, lack of research and the plethora of bad grammar in her woefully poor attempt to debate with Ms. Watkins.

Shall we dissect just the last comments by Dr. DA?  Okie-Dokie then……  😉Iroquois

“The biggest fear our founding fathers had was against the native Americans (Indians)”.  Huh?

Now Dr. DA, you cannot truly believe that Indians were a greater worry to our fore-fathers than the English.  Can you???  If we follow this reasoning, we would have declared our independence from the Iroquois Confederacy instead of the English Crown.  I cannot remember seeing ANYWHERE where the Indians levied taxes, quartered soldiers or exercised naval blockades against Colonial America.  But the British DID…

She also states,the idea of this “tyrannical government’ is more modern history, the truth is that Britain governed us with a velvet glove, the majority of our taxes were self Declaration of Independenceinflected”.  (Even though you are wrong Doc, don’t you mean self-inflicted? Hello spell-check!) Evidently Dr. DA has failed to READ the Declaration of Independence.  If she did, you might have noticed the section that starts “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world” and THEN lists not one, but TWENTY-SEVEN SPECIFIC instances (FACTS) of tyranny.

Also, I guess the definition of “velvet glove” would be, in Dr. DA’s opinion, a British occupying force exceeding 75,000 troops including a MINIMUM of 30,000 hired mercenaries.  Nothing says Velvet like a paid German contract killer!  Add to this, 160,000+ British Naval troops pirating American vessels and blockading Colonial ports and I would be forced to disagree with Dr. DA that the British were a kindly bunch of blokes with America’s best interest at heart.

And Doctor…regarding your asinine statement that “the majority of our taxes were self inflected”; if you were familiar with British governance (or cared to research), you would know that Parliament authorized the levying of taxation for any of the colonies of the Crown.

Now, let’s get to the meat of this discussion…the 2nd Amendment. 2ndAmendment

Dr. DA states, ” But the biggest disconnect you have is that our founding fathers ever envisioned the weapons 200+ years in the future. For you or anyone to propose that they ever thought the AK47 would exist and that each citizen should have the right to own one is the real shame, my point back day one was that WAS not the intent of the 2nd Amendment”.  Hogwash!

For once and for all, let me explain to everyone the real intention of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution…  When government becomes tyrannical, WE THE PEOPLE have the RIGHT to use our WEAPONS to abolish the government and start a new one.  I’ll go you one better even…We The People have the RESPONSIBILITY and the CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to do this!!!!!

I have no idea where people came up with the notion that the 2nd Amendment has ANYTHING to do with hunting or self-protection from other citizens.  The 2nd Amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with these things.  It ONLY addresses the ability of the governed to fight the government for their rights.

Now Doc, you say that the Founders never envisioned AK47’s…and that may well be true.  However, we had some pretty sharp cookies founding our beloved country.  Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington ALL had damn good imaginations…hell, they IMAGINED a free country called the United States of America didn’t they?  Now, they may not have dreamed of a weapon that could fire 30 shots per second, but I can damn well tell you that they would have one in their gun safe!  What I am saying is that while they may not have imagined the devastating weapons we have created in the last 200+ years, they would DEMAND that We The People had access to the same weapons used by the military.  Think about it for a second without a conservative OR liberal bias…without the same weapons as the military, what chance would We The People have against a government gone awry?  NONE AT ALL!  The Founding Fathers provided We The People with the RIGHT to be as well armed as the military with the 2nd Amendment!

knife_in_handAs a close to her uneducated comments, Dr. DA then wants to get a personal jab against Ms. Watkins.  She states, “As for your suggestion that the professors with PhD’s (which since you declined to answer, can only make me assume you don’t have) are rewriting history to accommodate ones agenda liberal or otherwise … only tells me that perhaps you might be accusing them based on your own agenda. See educators become such to educate, not become well known, I wonder if you can say you have such a pure heart”?  REALLY?

I, in my many years of education, have seen a multitude of professors.  While all of them had PhD’s, not all of them have the sense to open an umbrella when it rains.  Regardless of what you may think, ALL educators do NOT become such to educate.  Some, and probably most, wish to promote their own agenda and opinion as opposed to stating facts to their charges.  Open any high school or college textbook and see how long it takes you to find a mistake or an outright lie.  It will not take long.  I have read many of these and have confronted your so-called “professors” with the facts before.  Some will argue and some will admit the problem, depending, of course, on the veracity of their character and ethics.  History is re-written every day and it is the duty of everyone to call it out and educate our children and young adults with actual facts…. not liberal OR conservative fiction!

I have not seen where Ms. Watkins stated that she was a PhD.  Why should that matter?  Is research LIMITED to the hallowed PhD?  God, I hope not….  because most of them are your standard, garden variety idiots, spouting opinion as fact and taking umbrage to being called out to face the facts and being found wanting.  I’ll take Ms. Watkins research over that of Larry, Curly and Moe (Your 3 professors) any day of the week.

Ms. Watkins’s column has hundreds of comments and thousands of daily readers, so evidently she is doing something right.  I surmise that this something would be honesty, integrity, diligence and patriotism.  What do you have?


While Americans are returning to their normal routine after the holidays, Congressman Jose Serrano (D-NY) slipped in an eye-opening resolution.  Thankfully, it has been sent to committee for discussion and review and not acted upon without our knowledge.

Who can say C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y????

From THOMAS:|/bss/|

113th CONGRESS, 1st Session

H. J. RES. 15

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.


January 4, 2013

Mr. SERRANO introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:


‘The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.’.

You are reading the latest text of the resolution. The text of a resolution may change in committee or through the amendment process.



I have not written my column in quite a while.  I can give you tons of reasons, multitudes of excuses, but the truth is that I have felt that there is very little that I can do to open the eyes of the American public to what is happening to our country.  Our political correctness, our liberal approach to raising children, and our laissez-faire attitude towards the moral necessity of the family unit have created an environment which we, ironically, often find unacceptable.  Such is the case of the mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Weeping_AngelWhile there are those who are demanding immediate changes in order to “prevent” future mass murders, their solutions of gun bans and mental instability labeling only deride our individual freedoms and do nothing to address the actual problem which is that we have little to no accountability for our own behaviors in our current society.  For several generations now, we have abdicated our responsibility of raising our children to government institutions (schools, therapists, law enforcement).  No longer do we seek the counsel of our priests, clergymen, or family elders.  No longer do we allow our children to pay the consequences of their behavior.  No longer do we teach personal responsibility.  How many times have we seen the “good intentions” of giving every child an award for participation rather than teaching them how to lose?  How many times do we hear the excuse of blaming others or environment for the actions of one?  Contrarily, how few times have we heard the explanation of “life is not fair” or “everyone cannot be a star” or a reprimand of “you knew better”?

Granted my statements are for our society in general and do not apply to each and every family’s situation, but the statistics are overwhelming that show a lack of personal accountability.

Over the next months we will continue to hear varying speculation as to why a 20 year old man killed 27 people in Connecticut.  While there may be merit with many of the possible explanations for this horror; mental instability, medications or lack thereof, unsupervised access to firearms, a family unwilling to acknowledge the mental state of their child, etc., to act on one of these reasons exclusively and ignore the others will do little to affect this type of violence.  It’s the sad, unspoken truth…and that is Why It Matters.


Americans Simply Do It Better!

Posted: January 1, 2013 by G. Byron Barrett in Anti-Americanism, Our Government, Socialism / Marxism

Americans simply do it better……

Face it, we do.  We ROCK!  We KICK ASS!  We do EVERYTHING better than any other nation or people on the face of the earth.  Even if we do not come up with the initial idea, we take it, own it, run with it and make it the best that it can be!

THAT is our basic nature.

We better hope this is true!

Since America is rushing headlong over the fiscal cliff and straight into the waiting arms of socialism like so many of our allies, we better hope and pray that, as normal, we can do it better than they are doing it everywhere around the world.  Of course, how could we do a worse job at it than countries like Japan, Italy, Greece, France, Spain, etc…?

You might be thinking, “With debt to GDP ratios running in excess of 200% in some of these countries, how can you possibly screw up your economy any better than this”?

Well, just let the overachievers in the United States of America join the race!foam-finger

Like I said before, we might not come up with the initial idea, but we do have the historical reputation of snatching up the ball and running with it.

Where Japan is only at 228% of debt to GDP ratio, I am betting that the USA, under the omniscient leadership of Barack Obama and his minions, can FAR exceed even the wildest dreams of the Progressive (see Socialist) Democrat party.

I mean, simply because EVERY nation that has adopted a socialist form of government has FAILED, doesn’t mean that America will fail at it.  Come on guys!  Let’s give it a try!  You all know it’s only fair to the deadbeats!   Oops!  I mean…liberal… voters, who by 51% of the vote gave our current administration its sweeping Progressive mandate, to make this bold attempt at Socialism work!

It’s time that we did away with debt limits.  We need to increase the tax rates AND close the loopholes to increase Federal revenues.  We need MORE Federal spending, not less.  We must have income re-distribution in the name of fairness.  We have to expand our entitlement programs and make sure more money flows out of the pockets of the bad people who earned it and into the pockets of good Americans whose job it is to simply take.  We must endeavor, as a Nation, to level the playing field to the extent that everyone, regardless of ability or desire or intelligence, amasses no more and no less, than their fellow citizens.  We must make sure to staunch the flames of free expression, of innovation, of competition and make MEDIOCRITY the standard by which all citizens are judged.

Karl Marx may have said it best in his 1875 creed, ‘Critique of the Gotha Program’:

“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!

Since Americans DO IT BETTER, what’s to make us, as citizens, think that we cannot make Socialism work too?  Surely our Federal government and our elected officials in Washington have OUR best interests at heart?  Surely our Federal government would NEVER consider overstepping their constitutional authority? Isn’t it true that the Federal government is here to protect us from ourselves???

In all seriousness, our Federal government has, over the last 100 years or so, managed to weasel its way into making decisions that it has NO mandate to do or authority over.  The State Governments have abdicated their authority to the Federal government and the people have, through their own apathy and ignorance, allowed this fiasco to occur.  Only by pulling our heads out of our own asses and forcing our State governments to take back their Constitutional authority, will this ever change and the United States of America once again truly be the Land of the Free.

If this does NOT happen, go ahead and take this flying leap off the fiscal cliff and embrace all the ramifications that this entails.  If we, as a Nation, are going to follow Europe and the rest of the world into Socialism, let’s make sure we go at it whole hog and as quickly and as hard as we possibly can.

Who knows?  Maybe Americans ARE better at everything….


My cousin asked the question, “Why do people say that voting Democratic is unChristian.” The following is my answer:

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here is the real truth of our current situation. Both parties have allowed their extreme elements to take control of the party platforms and they have redefined each. We, lay people, have sat back and allowed this to happen. We had

no specific issue that we wanted moved forward, for instance gay marriage, so we ignore politics until it affects us.

In regard to the current Democratic party, it is NOT the party of our grandparents. This is NOT the Democratic party YOU KNEW. This new Democratic party has a national platform which was adopted at the DNC convention that took out “God” and inserted “progressive” (i.e. socialistic) theory. Don’t just believe me, read it for yourself. I think you will be surprised to find the extent of socialist agenda. Unless we actually look into these things ourselves, we will not know what is there – we cannot allow the media to vet this for us as they are biased. Again, look at the character of the people who are in the Obama Administration and the DNC. All of them have ties to communism, socialism, etc. They don’t hide it!

What the Obama Administration has done to the Catholic church in particular has been terrible. They have put in place regulations and rules which NOW will prohibit Catholic charities to practice their faith in their (non-government funded) hospitals, missions, schools, etc. The Church is faced with performing abortions and funding other government-required aspects of Obamacare or close their doors. That leaves a giant opening for a government entity with no reference to God to come in and take over. It will only be soon that this expands to other Christian based churches and facilities. Don’t be fooled, this is a war on Christianity.

We can no longer sit back and think we have no business in our governance. It is our sacred duty to secure this country from the, excuse the phrase – idiots, who simply do not understand the repercussions of certain actions. What is frightening to me is that our country is seeing a paradigm shift in its demographic where more people are uneducated or undereducated in basic ideals. They have grown up expecting everything to be easy, given to them, they seem to think they “deserve” things. This new generation of voters seem to think the idealized socialism is the answer – welcome to the folly of every college student. Reality comes around and slaps you in the face when you realize that – just because we are all created equal, that means equal in the eyes of God, not equal in our skills, talents, even our physical capabilities. That line also does not mean that life is fair, contrary life is never fair. It is our ability to deal with the chaos and trials that make us who we are as individuals, then as a country.

In regard to the Republicans, they have had such poor leadership that they have no definition. Their hard-line right wing tactics have as of lately given way to a mushy middle-of-the-road that no one is happy with. It is those folks who fall between the parties that are the real core of America – the Libertarians – they are defined by the following: pro-military, pro-health INSURANCE REFORM (not health CARE reform) – this must include tort reform which trial lawyers fight against; they are primarily Judeo-Christian, they believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, however, they can bend to allow civil unions for gay couples; they want the government OUT OF OUR BEDROOMS, LIVING ROOMS AND KITCHENS; they believe in freedom OF religion NOT FROM religion; they believe in helping themselves, yet also helping their neighbors who are in trouble; they would not choose an abortion for themselves, however they believe that the government has NO RIGHT to tell a woman what she can and cannot do in this regard – most of the folks I’ve interviewed say they think it is between a woman, her clergy, her family, her doctor. They believe that “the pursuit of happiness” should not be limited. As adults they believe that marijuana should be legalized, possibly everything else, in order to put RESPONSIBILITY ONTO THE INDIVIDUAL FOR HIS/HER ACTIONS. If we must legislate the behaviour modifications of our citizens, we are NOT GROWING strong citizens who can learn to make good choices.

I realize this sounds very terse, however, as the bible says, the poor will always be with us and it is our duty to help them to help themselves. However, I take that to be a metaphor for others, too: i.e. idiots. In the natural world, survival of the fittest takes care of the quality of its inhabitants.

So, after my long epistle…in today’s political landscape a vote for Democrats is, unfortunately, a vote for a non-Christian agenda. Once elected, even a stand up guy is forced to play ball with the powers that be in order to be effective for his state in any way. In essence, they must ALL make a deal with the devil or they get NO funds, contracts, industry, etc. for their states. Politics is dirty, unfair, Machiavellian…it is survival of the fittest

Sandy = Obama’s Katrina

Posted: October 30, 2012 by April Watkins in Breaking News, Distasters

In the midst of the largest storm to hit the East Coast in written history, let us hope that FEMA performs its job and that federal, state and local governments cooperate to save lives.  Criticism is easy to hurl about during any catastrophe.  With Obama at the helm, it will be interesting to see how America and the media weather Hurricane Sandy.

To my friends in harm’s way tonight, know my thoughts and prayers are with you.  Stay safe.